Looking at Your Spending and Debt
When You Have Too Much Debt
If you've got debt problems, completing the "Cash Flow" worksheet probably didn't make you very happy. Take a good hard look at your cash flow. What is the lowest amount you can survive on? Consider the following:
Now construct a cash flow, or spending plan, that will help you on your way of getting out of debt. Think bare bones. What is the absolute minimum it would take to feed and house you and your family? You may be surprised on how much less you can live on. Remember: We're not asking you to live like this forever. Wouldn't a year or two of sacrifice be worth it to get that debt cleared away? See the Spending Plan section to prepare this plan. Then, look ahead to the future. What's a good compromise between where you are now and bare bones? Add back the luxuries that are important to you. Include an amount for savings. Make a new spending plan to prepare the future. It takes a lot of time to put a spending plan together. But if you do it well and thoroughly, you'll have something to aim for. It may not work out exactly as you've planned, but a spending plan will give you a way to measure your progress. And that may be all you need.Share Article:
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